
Not just teammates, were family!!
Emily Barker OF/MI 84
Cady Mullins C/OF 21
Maggie Bostard C/OF 17
Lilly Kapala 1B/2B 15
Peyton Groves MI 23
Emma Kean C/2B 7
Karli Neff P/1B 6
Rachel Duff P/3B 12
Chloe Washington 3B/OF 3
Victoria Dunigan UTL 30
Camille Buckman UTL 16
Natalie Foltz OF 10
Why they love the game and what being a Tiger means to them!

Emily Barker #84
Team Member for 4 Years
Signed for 5th year
I have been playing softball since I was 5 years old. I have grown to love the game throughout my softball career. I love softball because through it I have learned so many lessons, made close friends, and had a ton of fun. It has made me into the person I am today.
Being a Tiger has caused me to love the game even more. To me, being a Tiger means I get to play with one of the coolest teams out there! Our team is fun-loving, encouraging, and talented. We have each other's backs no matter what, and that's what being a Tiger is really all about.
It is a privilege and a blast, and it makes a team feel more like family.

Camille Buckman #16
Signed for 2nd Year
Coming Soon

Why I love the game means so many different things to so many different people but to me its the joy in my life. Softball gives me so much thrill and happiness when playing. Yes, it can get stressful and hard but those are the things that make you push harder and succeed. I have loved this game since I can remember and it has gave me so many memories and new experiences.
I have been a Tiger for the past 3 years and going on my 4th season with them. People always say, "oh this is my travel family," but being a Tiger really does mean you are family! You are with them a lot in fall and winter, but when summer comes you are with them almost every day. It doesn't stop there though, we talk about stuff all the time in texts or if someone needs a ride, we help!
Life can be tough sometimes and having this family is one of best things in my life. The best part of the game is being able to play it with some of the best people in my life!!

Lilly Kapala #15
Team Member for 5 Years

Cady Mullins #21
Team Member for 3 Years
Being a Tiger means being a part of a family. Everyone on the team is so close and we all get along very well.
The main reason I play softball is for the competitiveness. I love trying my best to win. I also like how much you have to think while playing. It keeps my head in the game and you never get bored.
I can't wait to win more games, and hopefully win some tournaments with the team!!

Karli Neff #6
Team Member for 2 years
I love the game of softball because it makes me a better person. I enjoy the competitiveness that pushes me to adapt and grow as an athlete, but its the teamwork and he sisterhood that really makes softball.
Being a Tiger means that you are part of a family. We work hard together and encourage each other. At the end of the day we have our teammates backs on and off the field. I want to thank the coaches for always being there to pick us up when we are down and keeping the intensity and positivity when we are up.
Together we are a streak of big cats ready to ambush our opponents and there is no other place I'd rather be!!!

Chloe Washington #3
Team Member for 5 Years
I love the game because the girls I play with give me another family. The encouragement they give me, and support helps me through whatever I'm dealing with.
I love when they cheer me on when I'm doing something right. They give me a shoulder to lean on when I need it. I've never had that before!


Bats/ Throws: R/R
Phone: 614-531-6106
2020 Season Stats:
H to 1: 3.22
H to H: 12.47
Batting Average: .316
On base %: .416
Birthdate: 10/08/03
Height: 5’4”
School: Fayette Christian School
Address: 1315 Dayton Ave NW Washington C.H Ohio 43160
GPA: 4.0
SAT / ACT: Not Taken / Not Taken
Travel: Amber Hettenberg
High School: Does not have a softball program
Hitting: Ali Viola
Academic Awards:
Honor Roll, Highest Score on the American Legion’s Americanism & Government Test
Softball Awards:
8 MVP awards in travel ball
16U Lauraville Tournament Champions
College Uncommitted
Likely Major: Criminal Justice

Camille Buckman #16 2B/SS/OF 2021
Bats/ Throws: L/L
Phone: 614-980-2406
2020 Season Stats:
H to 1: 3.5
H to H: 12.9
Batting Average:
On base %:
Birthdate: 4/172003
Height: 4’11"
School: Watkins Memorial High School
Address: 8868 Watkins Road, S.W. Pataskala, Ohio 43062
Academic Awards:
Softball Awards:
College Uncommitted
Likely Major:

LILLY KAPALA #15 1B 2022
Bats/ Throws: R/R
Phone: 614-725-8808
Birthdate: 08/19/04
Height: 5’10”
2020 Season Stats
H to 1: 3.75
H to H: 13.53
Batting Average: .430
On base %: .456
School: Bishop Ready High School
Address: 707 Salisbury Rd. Columbus,OH 43119
GPA: 3.72
SAT / ACT: Not Taken / Not Taken
Travel: Amber Hetterberg
High School: Jen Goff
Hitting: Ali Viola
Academic Awards:
Honor Roll all quarters freshman and sophomore year, BETA Honor society member, Earned four Extra Effort Awards
Softball Awards:
Varsity Letter 2019
2 MVP awards in travel ball
Game MVP Lauraville Tournament Game 1
2019 team spirit award
16U Lauraville Tournament Champions
Other Activities:
Knights of Columbus Youth of the year
K of C Fish Fry Volunteer
St Vincent DePaul activity member
Youth member of the Parish Council
Eucharist minister
Likely Major: Early Education

Cady Mullins #21 C/OF 2023
Bats/ Throws: R/R
Phone: 614-620-8339
Birthdate: 12/18/04
Height: 5’3”
2020 Season Stats
H to 1: 3.38
H to H: 12.81
Batting Average: .292
On base %: .414
School: Hilliard Davidson High School
Address: 5100 Davidson RD Hilliard OH 43026
GPA: 4.44
SAT / ACT: Not Taken / Not Taken
Travel: Amber Hetterberg
High School: Katie Speakman
Softball Awards:
16U Lauraville Tournament Champions
Academic Awards:
Top Ten Student, 4.0 Award
College Uncommitted
Likely Major: Life Science

Karli Neff #6 P 2023
Bats/ Throws: R/R
Phone: 614-962-2224
Birthdate: 7/1/05
Height: 5'5"
2020 Season Stats
H to 1: 4.4
H to H: 17.84
Batting Average: .417
On base %: .462
Hamilton Township High School
Address: 775 Rathmell Rd Columbus, Ohio 43207
GPA: 3.6
SAT / ACT: Not Taken / Not Taken
Travel: Amber Hetterberg
High School: Sam Tollison
(614) 491-8044 ext.1510
Pitching: Amanda Kienzle
Softball Awards:
16U Lauraville Tournament Champions
Academic Awards: Honor Role
College Uncommitted
Likely Major: Library Science

Chloe Washington #3 3B 2022
Bats/ Throws: R/R
Phone: 740-505-5667
Birthdate: 03/22/04
Height: 5’0”
2020 Season Stats
H to 1: 3.69
H to H: 13.6
Batting Average: .321
On base %: .368
School: Teays Valley
Address: 3887 OH-752, Ashville OH, 43103
GPA: 3.7
SAT / ACT: Not Taken / Not Taken
Travel: Amber Hetterberg
High School: First year there,
hasn't played yet.
Softball Awards:
Multiple Game MVP
16U Lauraville Tournament Champions
Academic Awards:
High Honor Roll and School MVP
College Uncommitted
Likely Major: Dentistry, Veterinary medicine or Nursing